Flow Chemistry – Miscellaneous

 A complete list of publications of C. O. Kappe can be found at his Web of Science account

17. Flow Chemistry and Continuous Processing: More Mainstream than Ever! (Editorial)
K. P. Cole, J. N. Jaworski, C. O. Kappe, S. Kobayashi, A. R. Maguire, A. O’Kearney-McMullan, J. A. Pesti, Org. Process Res. Dev. 2024, 28, 1269-1271. DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.3c00483
16. Self-Optimizing Flow Reactors Get a Boost by Multitasking
J. D. Williams, C. O. Kappe, ACS Cent. Sci. 2023, 9, 864-866. DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.3c00548
15. Flow Chemistry (Book Preface)
C. O. Kappe, Flow Chemistry, 2nd Edition, De Gruyter. 2021, V-VI. DOI: 10.1515/9783110693676-202
14. Enabling Techniques for Organic Synthesis (Editorial)
C. O. Kappe, J. Mack, C. Bolm, J. Org. Chem. 2021, 86, 14242–14244. DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.1c02326
13. Flow Chemistry Enabling Efficient Synthesis (Editorial)
J. R. Naber, C. O. Kappe, J. A. Pesti, Org. Process Res. Dev. 2020, 24, 1779-1780. DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.0c00406
12. Challenges and Directions for Green Chemical Engineering – Role of Nanoscale Materials
A. Livingston, B. L. Trout, I. T. Horvath, M. D. Johnson, M. Eddaoudi, L. Vaccaro, J. Coronas, C. W. Babbitt, X. Zhang, T. Pradeep, E. Drioli, J. D. Hayler, M. K.C. Tam, C. O. Kappe, A. G. Fane, G. Szekely, in Sustainable Nanoscale Engineering, G. Szekely, A. Livingston, Eds., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2020, Chapter 1, pp 1-18. ISBN 978-0-12-814681-2.
11. Kreislaufwirtschaft: Industrieabfall als Rohstoff (Highlight)
M. Köckinger, C. O. Kappe, Nachr. Chem. 2018, 66, 511-513. DOI: 10.1002/nadc.20184073168
10. The Journal of Flow Chemistry – Off to a New Start (Editorial)
C. O. Kappe, J. Flow Chem. 2018, 8, 1. DOI: 10.1007/s41981-018-0007-4
9. A Special Perspectives Issue on the Future of Flow Chemistry (Editorial)
C. O. Kappe, J. Flow Chem. 2017, 7, 59. DOI: 10.1556/1846.2017.33333
8. Continuous API Manufacturing in Pharma – Where are we Today and where will we be in Ten Years? (Editorial)
C. O. Kappe, Chim. Oggi/Chem. Today 2017, 35(4), 2.
7. The Development of High-Temperature/High-Pressure Flow Chemistry – A Tribute to the Pioneering Studies of Jürgen O. Metzger (Commentary)
B. Gutmann, J. Flow Chem. 2017, 7, 1-3. DOI: 10.1556/1846.2017.00038
6. Continuous-Flow Chemistry – How Hazardous Reactions Become Safe / Kontinuierliche Durchflusschemie – Erhöhte Sicherheit für gefährliche Chemie.
D. Dallinger, C. O. Kappe, G.I.T. Laboratory Journal Europe 2017 (3-4), 31-33, G.I.T. Labor-Fachzeitschrift 2016, 20(11), 18-21.
5. A Pioneering Early Microreactor Concept for Ultrafast Nitration Reactions – Placing the Seminal Brennecke and Kobe 1956 Contribution into Perspective (Commentary)
D. Cantillo, J. Flow Chem. 2015, 5, 195-196. DOI: 10.1556/1846.2015.00021
4. Continuous Manufacturing in the Pharma Industry – An Unstoppable Trend?
B. Gutmann, C. O. Kappe, Eur. Pharm. Rev. 2015, 20(5), 39-44.
3. The Microwave-to-Flow Paradigm: Translating Batch Microwave Chemistry to Continuous Flow Processes
C. O. Kappe, in „Flow Chemistry„, F. Darvas, V. Hessel, G. Dorman, Eds., De Gruyter, Berlin, 2014, Volume 1, Fundamentals, Chapter 8, pp 251-258. ISBN 978-3-111-028915-2.
2. Micro Reaction Technology in Organic Synthesis (Book Review)
C. O. Kappe, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 9948.
1. A Chemist Muses on the Technique of Microwaving Flowing Chemical Reactions (Journal Club).
C. O. Kappe, Nature 2010, 464, 817.