Academic Faculty / University of Graz

Univ.-Ass. Dr. Gabriele Laudadio
Phone: +43 316 380 8679 (Room 20)

Gabriele Laudadio received his PhD in chemistry from Eindhoven University of Technology in 2020. He conducted his doctoral research in the Micro Flow Chemistry & Synthetic Methodology group under the supervision of Prof. Timothy Noël. Following his PhD, he briefly served as a postdoctoral fellow and group leader in Prof. Noël’s group at the University of Amsterdam. In 2021, he joined the research group of Prof. Phil S. Baran at the Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla, USA) as a Hewitt Foundation Fellow. Currently, Gabriele Laudadio is University Assistent at the University of Graz and Key Researcher at the Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH (RCPE). His research is primarily focused on the application of technology in the field of organic chemistry, with a specific emphasis on the use of flow chemistry and electrochemistry in organic synthesis.

For a list of publications, see Google Scholar

Dr. Doris Dallinger, Senior Scientist
Phone: +43 316 380 8689 (Room 20)

picture not available Doris Dallinger obtained her MSc and PhD degrees in the group of Professor Kappe at the University of Graz, Austria, on projects related to microwave chemistry and the high-throughput synthesis of biologically active heterocycles. After postdoctoral research work with a focus on microwave effects and scale-up studies she joined the Kappe Group at the University of Graz as Senior Scientist in 2011. Her main research interest and experience is related to reaction development and optimization by microwave technology and translation to continuous-flow conditions, in addition to evaluating green chemistry metrics and Life Cycle Assessment. She has published ca. 40 scientific papers and co-authored two books. Since 2018 she is Key Researcher at the Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering Gmbh (RCPE).

For a list of publications, see Google Scholar

  Scientific Staff / Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH (RCPE)

Dr. Christopher Hone, Principal Scientist
Phone: +43 316 380 5404 (Room 20)

Christopher Hone studied for his Master’s degree in Chemistry at the University of Southampton, UK. Subsequently, he moved to the Institute of Process Research and Development (iPRD) at the University of Leeds (UK) for his doctoral studies, working under the supervision of Dr Richard Bourne, Prof Frans Muller and Prof Steve Marsden. His thesis focused on the development of kinetic models through the utilization of continuous flow reactors. On completion of his PhD, Chris moved to Graz, Austria, for a postdoctoral position within the research group of Prof C. Oliver Kappe. He is currently a Principal Scientist at the Research Center for Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH (RCPE). His main research focus is on the development of multiphase flow processes, kinetic modelling, automation and the application of ML/AI technologies in process chemistry.

For a list of publications, see Google Scholar

Dr. Sándor B. Ötvös, Principal Scientist
Phone: +43 316 380 5378 (Room 20)

Sándor B. Ötvös received his PhD in 2013 from the University of Szeged (Hungary) focusing on various projects related to continuous flow chemistry. He conducted postdoctoral research at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Szeged, Hungary) and then at the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ, Tarragona, Spain). In 2018, he joined the University of Graz, serving as a Senior PostDoc (Lise Meitner Fellowship, FWF) and later as a Principal Investigator within the framework of an FWF Stand-Alone Project. Currently he is a Principal Scientist at Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH (RCPE). His research interests are focused on the combination of flow chemistry, catalysis, and photochemistry, with a special emphasis on the sustainable synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients and their advanced intermediates in aqueous slurries as reaction mixtures.

For a list of publications, see Google Scholar

Postdocs and PhD Students

Dr. Sulekha Sulekha, Postdoc
Phone: +43 316 380 5333 (Room 24)
Dr. Abhilash Rana, Postdoc
Phone: +43 316 380 5333 (Room 24)
Eduardo Rial, MSc, PhD student
Phone: +43 316 380 5355 (Room 90)
David Köpfler, MSc, PhD student
Phone: +43 316 380 5355 (Room 90)
Nikola Petrovic, MSc, PhD student
Phone: +43 316 380 5355 (Room 90)
Niklas Sulzer, MSc, PhD student
Phone: +43 316 380 5355 (Room 90)
Stefano Martinuzzi, MSc, PhD student
Phone: +43 316 380 5355 (Room 90)
Klara Silber, MSc, PhD student
Phone: +43 316 380 5355 (Room 90)
Florian Wagner, MSc, PhD student
Phone: +43 316 380 5355 (Room 90)
Kevin Simon, MSc, PhD student
Phone: +43 316 380 5355 (Room 90)
   Alberto Bonino, MSc, PhD student
Phone: +43 316 380 5355 (Room 90)
   Yifan Xi, MSc, PhD student
Phone: +43 316 380 5355 (Room 90)

Technical and Administrative Staff

not available Ing. Günther Scherf, Chemical Technician
Phone: +43 316 380 8677 (Room 16)
Martina Hotko, MSc, Laboratory Technician
Phone: +43 316 380 5333 (Room 24)
Olena Khaverko, MSc, Administrative Assistant
Phone: +43 316 380 8622 (Room 36)